Sunday, May 1, 2011

May's Decree

Greetings Companions

Hopefully we are done now with those April showers while yes it is good for our ground and gardens and such it does tend to get a little soggy. Our garden is flushed wild with the tulips, lilies and crocuses. Now is the time to get the summer lawn care tools out and begin enjoying the early fruits of our labors and watch the color return to the Wisconsin landscape. The Grand York Rite annual session is approaching quickly and we need to make our reservations so if you have not as of yet let Art know who will be attending so we can get the paperwork in order. As you recall McKinley Chapter approached our chapter with a petition to consolidate our chapters. Details of this have been sent to you and due to timeliness and procedural attention we cannot vote on this issue until our June stated meeting thereby giving all of our companions time to reflect, comment and make their plans for attendance. Because of this possible consolidation we are stemming off our elections until a future date so that we may get all of our paperwork complete in accordance with the Grand Chapter requested procedures. So if you have not made it to Chapter lately this would be an excellent time to get reacquainted: discuss the merger, again congratulate Companion Bill, provide suggestions and insight on how we run our Chapter for the ensuing year and commiserate with your companions. And speaking of commiserating you should have received a flyer concerning our Spring Chapter dinner at Fox and Hounds restaurant. Gathering begins at 5:30, this is a great time to revisit with companions from other chapters and to honor our Past High Priests. Remember we gather together again on May 5th at 7:30, dinner however is at 5:30 and a cost of $8.00 at Mykanos Family Restaurant at 8501 W. Capitol Dr.

To noble and glorious work!

Khristian E. Kay, EHP