Saturday, February 1, 2014

February's Decree

Greetings Companions February is here and we are planning to have our annual holiday brunch on the 16th of this month (a separate notice will be mailed out to you with time and particulars). Practice for our degree is coming along quite well, I am very excited to be a part of this degree. We will be having our degree on February 5th, which is also our stated meeting night make a note the tine change from 7:30 to 7:00 for the degree and 5:00 for dinner at Mykanos Family Restaurant at 8501 W. Capitol Dr. Scholarship applications are starting to be filled out by nursing applicants. I spoke with advisors at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, and was told that we should expect applications to be coming soon. I hope everyone is faring well. Fraternally, Art Karos, HP